Troubleshooting a Refrigerant Leak: Common AC Issues in July

July 22nd, 2024

It’s a hot summer day and you’re just mowing the lawn around your outdoor air conditioning cabinet when you suddenly hear a strange noise coming from the system. Maybe it’s a “hissing” sound that resembles a snake crawling through the tall grass. Or perhaps it’s a “bubbling” noise that comes up every once in a while.

It makes sense if you’re alarmed. These are noises that don’t often come from a perfectly functioning air conditioner. Something is definitely wrong with it and it requires air conditioning repair in Dundee as soon as possible. But you don’t need to panic.

First of all, our technicians are available 24/7 to help you with your AC problems. That’s the best news. Then, read on to learn about what leaking refrigerant might mean for the lifespan and performance of your air conditioning system.

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No AC? Here’s What to Do Right Now

June 10th, 2024

The hot temperatures are reaching most neighborhoods throughout the country this week, and it’s only going to get hotter. This means that you might have an interruption in your life that’s pretty serious if your air conditioner sputters out at the wrong time.

Planning on having company over for dinner? Or perhaps you’d just like to take it easy this weekend with a movie and some popcorn at home? Well, that’s going to be hard if temperatures are skyrocketing and you’ve got no way to stay cool inside.

But don’t worry, we are here to help! There’s a reason why we’re called 24Hr Home Comfort Services Inc. Follow our guide below and make sure you schedule air conditioning repair in Crystal Lake with the best team in the business.

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Deciphering Your AC: What Does Short Cycling Mean?

May 13th, 2024

A lot of people encounter short cycling air conditioners. Sometimes they can sound similar to regularly functioning systems, to the point where it’s already too late when something else goes wrong. The truth of the matter is short cycling is a big problem, and one that should be detected as early as possible.

But how can you tell if your system is short cycling so badly that it requires air conditioning repair in Lake in the Hills? It can almost feel like your air conditioner is speaking a different language, one that you’re just not keyed in on.

Don’t worry. Consider our team the AC whisperers, as we decipher your air conditioner’s hidden language and teach you the way to decipher it.

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Top 5 AC Problems That Are Common in the Spring

April 22nd, 2024

Springtime is a great part of the year where you can prepare for the future. Temperatures are starting to get milder, which means you can spend time outdoors without worrying about a cold spell or a heat wave. But trust us, those heat waves are coming eventually and you’ll want an air conditioner in good shape before they arrive.

So, should you be worried? That depends. If your air conditioner is in good shape then you likely don’t have much to worry about. But there are some problems you want to be aware of if you’re going to make it through the next summer without a hitch. And our team that provides HVAC in Lake in the Hills can walk you through them.

Let’s discuss the five most common AC problems that homeowners usually detect in the springtime.

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Top Financial Tips When Calling for HVAC Service

March 4th, 2024

HVAC service can be expensive, especially when they’re a surprise that you weren’t ready for. Not only can an experience like this ruin your day, but it can also ruin your relationship with the HVAC company that installed or maintained your system, because you’re left on the hook for the problems you’re facing now. This is why things can get difficult in this industry. There’s a lot of money at stake and a lot of frustrated homeowners.

We don’t want to be cliche, but we’re not like those other HVAC companies. We don’t just install HVAC systems, leave them to be neglected, and count the money we made all the way to the bank. Our company name is important, because it encompasses one of our many strengths: our ability to help customers with 24 hour support when something goes wrong.

Calling us for HVAC service in Crystal Lake is a no-brainer. But these financial tips for your next HVAC emergency might help save a bit of money when the bills are due.

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What You Should Know About Your Heating Tune-Up Appointment

February 26th, 2024

So, you’ve finally made the call to a licensed professional for a heating tune-up in Lake in the Hills, IL. Congratulations!

This is a big deal, because it means you’ve turned the corner and are entering a time of preventative maintenance, efficiency, and adjustments that will make your home a more comfortable place. This kind of appointment will also free you up to use your time and your future budget more wisely since you don’t have to worry about your HVAC system for the time being.

But still, you must be at least a little bit nervous. What if the HVAC technician notices something off about your heating unit, or perhaps there’s a problem detected? These are not as bad as you might think, and you’d actually be lucky if these kinds of things happened.

Let’s talk about what you can expect and how you can prepare for your first tune-up appointment.

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Everything to Know About Duct Contamination

January 15th, 2024

Contamination is an intimidating word. It’s a serious issue that can take place everywhere, from the air we breathe to the water we drink. Usually, we have systems in place to stop contamination from happening. For instance, air flows one way in an HVAC system, so you don’t get inundated with dirty, carbon dioxide-filled air that you just breathed out. This air is better suited to the environment where certain plants and microorganisms would rather take it.

So, here we get to dirty ducts–ductwork that’s been infiltrated by dust, dirt, and other contaminants that are now trapped. These contaminants can do a number on your health and your home efficiency, which is why our team provides expert duct cleaning service in Lake in the Hills, IL. Schedule an appointment with us today to get started.

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5 Heating Tips for the Holidays

December 11th, 2023

It might be time to take a break from all the holiday tunes you might be listening to as you prepare your presents and seasonal festivities. We don’t want to stop your enjoyment of the holidays, but we do want to discuss a few important tips that can help reduce stress and leave even more time for you to spend with the people you love.

Let’s think about it, without a heating system working at peak performance, how good can the holidays really be? Imagine waking up on a snowy day off, only to be freezing cold in your house due to a heater malfunction!

If you’d like to avoid that situation, then we can help. These tips are designed to improve the output and efficiency of your heating system. Depending on the unit you have and the unique situation of your home, things might differ–but that’s where our team can help with heating repair in Lake in the Hills, IL!

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The Thermostat Is More Important Than You Think!

November 13th, 2023

Homeowners come from all different walks of life. We can almost guarantee that some people who are reading this blog right now are new homeowners who are trying to do their best in an older home. Some of our readers are old-school homeowners, who have been doing this kind of work for years or even decades. At this point, there’s not much we can tell you that you probably haven’t already heard!

However, one thing we’d like to shine a light on for every group of homeowners, is the thermostat. Huge technological advancements have made thermostats the center point for a lot of discussions on home efficiency, energy efficiency, and just general convenience. A new smart thermostat in Lake in the Hills, IL can go a long way toward keeping money where it belongs–in your pocket.

No matter what kind of homeowner you are, please follow along to learn more about what these amazing systems can do for your home. And if by the end of this blog post you think an upgrade is in your future, just give us a call!

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3 Tips for Keeping Your Condo Comfortable

October 9th, 2023

Condos are becoming increasingly popular in this day and age, particularly because of how expensive the housing market has become, and with how people’s needs are changing. Many new homeowners don’t want the typical house with a lot of land or lawns they need to mow. A condo represents a smaller, yet much more affordable homeownership without some of the additional needs that come with owning a larger house.

However, because of how popular and amazing these homes can be, there are a few surprising facts about them that can take customers off guard when investing in a home comfort system. For instance, condos have less space overall than regular houses on the market, meaning that installing a full-blown air duct system might be a bad choice. In this case, we’d like to give a few tips to help you choose the best HVAC system in Lake in the Hills, IL.

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